Catherine Crosier

catherine headshot

Position Title
Field Specialist

Harry H. Laidlaw Jr. Honey Bee Research Facility RM 117

Catherine fell in love with beekeeping during her first week of college and has continued to pursue this passion ever since! She graduated from Cornell University in 2022 with a degree in Spanish and Environment & Sustainability concentrated in entomology, more specifically in “honeybees and humans.” Catherine worked as a student researcher in Scott McArt’s lab and after graduation stayed on for a year at the Cornell Dyce Lab for Honeybee studies as a technician on the NYS Beekeeper Tech Team. She then headed west to work as a Field Specialist for the Bee Informed Partnership, taking advantage of every opportunity to learn from the expertise of her fellow tech transfer team members and the beekeepers and crews involved with BIP. She is passionate about leveraging beekeeper insights to promote the sustainability of the industry and is excited to continue this work as part of the Bee Health Hub at UC Davis.

Education and Degree(s)
  • B.A. Environment & Sustainability Concentration in Entomology Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 2018-2022
  • B.A. Spanish Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 2018-2022